life of childern born of rape how is a child born after rape raised know what are the rules regarding this

life of childern born of rape how is a child born after rape raised know what are the rules regarding this

Many times a woman becomes pregnant after rape, In many cases she may not be allowed to terminate the pregnancy, last year i.e. year 2023 I am a rape victim in Gujarat 16 Minor of the Year 7 was a month pregnant, Her father filed a petition in the Gujarat High Court seeking permission for abortion, But during the hearing the judge said that 17 It is common for girls to become mothers at the age of one year, He advised the rape victim to read Manusmriti and said that if both the girl and the foetus are healthy then abortion cannot be allowed., Apart from this, similar cases have been coming before the court, In such a situation, the question arises that who raises the children born after rape?, Let us know,

What are the directions of the courts for children born out of rape,

november 2015 In 2014, the Allahabad High Court had said that a child born after the rape of a minor will have a right on the property of the rapist father., December there 2016 In 2015, the Delhi High Court had ordered that a child born due to rape should be given separate compensation from the mother., April there 2017 While hearing a rape case in 2013, the Bombay High Court had said that giving compensation to rape victims is not enough, A policy should be made for the children born to them, February there 2022 In 2015, Bombay High Court ordered the rapist to give custody of the child born out of rape. 2 ordered to pay compensation of lakhs,

where do kids grow up,

According to reports, currently there is no law in India for children born like this, According to child rights experts, There is a Child Welfare Committee in every district, Joe Carr, Works with the help of medical and mental health professionals and social workers, Keeping all these reports and the health of the victim in mind, a decision is taken about giving birth to the child.,

After the birth of the child, the Child Welfare Committee decides how the child will be raised and taken care of, Such children are born accidentally, The victim does not become pregnant of her own free will, Her pregnancy is the result of a bad accident, which is called rape in the language of society, In this situation, if the mother,The father and family are not ready to raise the child, so the committee ,Child Need and Care Protection, brings under, After this, the state government takes the child into custody and he is sent to a shelter home, In the beginning, the baby needs breast milk, In such a situation, if the victim permits, Only then can he get mother’s milk, After this, an attempt is made to adopt the child with the help of Kara,

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